Our Headline Measures

Timber build solutions are the most sustainable form of construction, the only truly naturally renewable building material and the solution to achieving net zero carbon targets. Not only more environmentally friendly than masonry during the build, but also when the building is in use and throughout its entire lifetime. We’re proud to be a pioneer of the sustainable timber industry and a key player in the world of sustainable building. When it comes to a sustainable built environment, material choices matter. Wood is a natural, renewable and sustainable material for building, with a lighter carbon footprint than steel or concrete, providing sustainable homes and sustainable building solutions. As a timber frame manufacturer we have been working using a sustainable building method for 50 years.

  • Maximizing wood use through timber frame in both residential and commercial construction will remove millions of tons of CO2 from the atmosphere annually.
  • Wood stores carbon and, with the least embodied energy of all major building materials, it requires less energy from harvest to transport, manufacturing, installation, maintenance and disposal or recycling.
  • We have an award-winning energy efficient fabric solution in our Sigma® II build system – Housebuilders’ Best Building Fabric Product 2020 winner.
  • Harvesting and replanting increases the forests’ carbon sink potential as the rate of sequestration is greater during young, vigorous growth.
  • Active forest management, or forest thinning, mitigates wildfires, cuts carbon emissions, expands wildlife habitats, and creates jobs in rural areas.
  • Every timber frame building we produce for our clients is a fabric-first low carbon building.
  • Our offsite solutions have lower embodied carbon than masonry.

Net Zero Carbon

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#TimeforTimber campaign

We support the #TimeforTimber campaign which explains how timber construction can help support the economy and help us reach our net zero carbon targets by 2050. Have a look at the campaign video and listen to what some of the industry’s leading experts have to say on the subject. You can read more about the campaign at timefortimber.org

Wood for Good

Using more wood can help us reduce CO2 and fight climate change. We are therefore supporting the Wood for Good “Wood CO2ts Less” campaign which aims to promote the use of all wood products as low carbon materials, illustrating how using wood can help reduce CO2 in the atmosphere and contribute to slowing climate heating.

Learn more about Wood for Good

Our latest insights into sustainability